Tutorial: Running IDAES model in FOQUS

The NETL’s Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems is developing an equation-oriented framework for simulation and optimization of energy systems. A library of unit models is available to create and solve process flowsheets, therefore, a tutorial has been developed in FOQUS to import IDAES unit models, build a flowsheet, and simulate it.

The case study consists of the separation of Toluene-Benzene mixture (Figure 1). First the mixture is heated to 370K, and then separated in the Flash Tank. Consider the following process flowsheet that has been developed in FOQUS, using IDAES :

Figure 1: Heater Flash Flowsheet

Figure 1: Heater Flash Flowsheet

Feed Conditions:

Flowrate = 0.277778 mol/s

Temperature = 353 K

Pressure = 101325 K

Benzene Mole Fraction = 0.4

Toluene Mole Fraction = 0.6

Heater Specification:

Outlet Temperature (HTOUT stream) = 370 K

Flash Specification:

Heat Duty = 0 W

Pressure Drop = 0 Pa

The following steps show how to import Python, Pyomo, and IDAES libraries and models, build the flowsheet, select input variables, and solve the simulation in FOQUS:


  1. Open FOQUS, and under the Flowsheet Tab, create a Node named “Flowsheet”.

  2. Open the Node Editor and let the Model Type be “None”.

  3. Add the following input variables with their corresponding values in the Node Editor: heater_inlet_molflow: 0.277778 mol/s

    heater_inlet_pressure: 101325 Pa

    heater_inlet_temperature: 353 K

    heater_inlet_benzene_molfrac: 0.4

    heater_inlet_toluene_molfrac: 0.6

    heater_outlet_temperature: 370 K

    flash_heat_duty: 0 W

    flash_pressure_drop: 0 Pa

  4. Add the following output variables in the Node Editor: heater_heat_duty W

    flash_liq_molflow mol/s

    flash_liq_pressure Pa

    flash_liq_temperature K



    flash_vap_molflow mol/s

    flash_vap_pressure Pa

    flash_vap_temperature K



  5. As stated in previous tutorials, the FOQUS simulation node allows the user to type a python script under the Node Script option. In this node script section, this tutorial shows how to import python libraries, Pyomo libraries, IDAES libraries and models, build and solve the flowsheet. Note that in this example, process conditions are fixed in order to have 0 degrees of freedom. Hence, the optimization actually gets solved as a simulation problem. A critical step is to link the FOQUS variables (input and output) to the IDAES mathematical model, thus, setting the inlet conditions of the process before solving the simulation problem. Finally, under Node Script, set Script Mode to “Post”. This will ensure that the node script runs after the node simulation. Enter the following code:

     1# Import objects from pyomo package
     2from pyomo.environ import ConcreteModel, SolverFactory,TransformationFactory, value
     4import pyutilib.subprocess.GlobalData
     5pyutilib.subprocess.GlobalData.DEFINE_SIGNAL_HANDLERS_DEFAULT = False
     7# Import the main FlowsheetBlock from IDAES. The flowsheet block will contain the unit model
     9import idaes
    10from idaes.core.flowsheet_model import FlowsheetBlock
    12# Import the BTX_ideal property package to create a properties block for the flowsheet
    13from idaes.generic_models.properties.activity_coeff_models import BTX_activity_coeff_VLE
    15# Import heater unit model from the model library
    16from idaes.generic_models.unit_models.heater import Heater
    18# Import flash unit model from the model library
    19from idaes.generic_models.unit_models.flash import Flash
    21# Import methods for unit model connection and flowsheet initialization
    22from pyomo.network import Arc, SequentialDecomposition
    24# Import idaes logger to set output levels
    25import idaes.logger as idaeslog
    27# Create the ConcreteModel and the FlowsheetBlock, and attach the flowsheet block to it.
    28m = ConcreteModel()
    30m.fs = FlowsheetBlock(default={"dynamic": False}) # dynamic or ss flowsheet needs to be specified here
    32# Add properties parameter block to the flowsheet with specifications
    33m.fs.properties = BTX_activity_coeff_VLE.BTXParameterBlock(default={"valid_phase":
    34                                                     ('Liq', 'Vap'),
    35                                                     "activity_coeff_model":
    36                                                     "Ideal"})
    38# Create an instance of the heater unit, attaching it to the flowsheet
    39# Specify that the property package to be used with the heater is the one we created earlier.
    40m.fs.heater = Heater(default={"property_package": m.fs.properties})
    42m.fs.flash = Flash(default={"property_package": m.fs.properties})
    44# Connect heater and flash models using an arc
    45m.fs.heater_flash_arc = Arc(source=m.fs.heater.outlet, destination=m.fs.flash.inlet)
    49#Feed Specifications to heater
    50m.fs.heater.inlet.flow_mol.fix(x["heater_inlet_molflow"]) # mol/s
    51m.fs.heater.inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, "benzene"].fix(x["heater_inlet_benzene_molfrac"])
    52m.fs.heater.inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, "toluene"].fix(x["heater_inlet_toluene_molfrac"])
    53m.fs.heater.inlet.pressure.fix(x["heater_inlet_pressure"]) # Pa
    54m.fs.heater.inlet.temperature.fix(x["heater_inlet_temperature"]) # K
    56# Unit model specifications
    57m.fs.heater.outlet.temperature.fix(x["heater_outlet_temperature"]) # K
    58m.fs.flash.heat_duty.fix(x["flash_heat_duty"]) # W
    59m.fs.flash.deltaP.fix(x["flash_pressure_drop"]) # Pa
    61#Flowsheet Initialization
    62def function(unit):
    63        unit.initialize(outlvl=1)
    65opt = SolverFactory('ipopt')
    66seq = SequentialDecomposition()
    67seq.options.select_tear_method = "heuristic"
    68seq.run(m, function)
    70# Solve the flowsheet using ipopt
    71opt = SolverFactory('ipopt')
    72solve_status = opt.solve(m)
    74#Assign the simulation result from IDAES model to FOQUS output values
    75f["flash_liq_molflow"] = value(m.fs.flash.liq_outlet.flow_mol[0])
    76f["flash_liq_benzene_molfrac"] = value(m.fs.flash.liq_outlet.mole_frac_comp[0,"benzene"])
    77f["flash_liq_toluene_molfrac"] = value(m.fs.flash.liq_outlet.mole_frac_comp[0,"toluene"])
    78f["flash_liq_temperature"] = value(m.fs.flash.liq_outlet.temperature[0])
    79f["flash_liq_pressure"] = value(m.fs.flash.liq_outlet.pressure[0])
    80f["flash_vap_molflow"] = value(m.fs.flash.vap_outlet.flow_mol[0])
    81f["flash_vap_benzene_molfrac"] = value(m.fs.flash.vap_outlet.mole_frac_comp[0,"benzene"])
    82f["flash_vap_toluene_molfrac"] = value(m.fs.flash.vap_outlet.mole_frac_comp[0,"toluene"])
    83f["flash_vap_temperature"] = value(m.fs.flash.vap_outlet.temperature[0])
    84f["flash_vap_pressure"] = value(m.fs.flash.vap_outlet.pressure[0])
    85f["heater_heat_duty"] = value(m.fs.heater.heat_duty[0])


    ipopt will need to be available in your environment. This should be available through the following command during the generic install of IDAES in the environment: idaes get-extensions

    Once the model is solved, the values of flowsheet output variables are assigned to the node output variables.

  6. Click the Run button to run the python script and check the node output variables section, note that their values should have changed.

It should be noted that the values within Node Input Variables can be changed as per user’s requirement, to run different cases.


For more information on installing IDAES, along with building and solving IDAES models, refer to the IDAES documentation: https://idaes-pse.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html

This tutorial demonstrates the capability of simulating IDAES based process models in FOQUS. However, optimization problems can also be solved using IDAES in FOQUS, by providing the required degrees of freedom.

It is recommended that FOQUS and IDAES must be installed in the same conda environment for this example to run successfully.

The complete FOQUS file (FOQUS_IDAES_Example.foqus), that includes the IDAES model, is located in: examples/tutorial_files/IDAES. The examples/ directory refers to the location where the FOQUS examples were installed, as described in Install FOQUS Examples.