Sample Results

Flowsheet evaluations that have been run in a FOQUS session can be viewed by clicking the table button in the flowsheet toolbar (#13 in Figure Flowsheet Editor. The results are displayed in a table, and the contents can be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet or exported to a CSV file. Figure Flowsheet Results Table Window show the Flowsheet Results Table window.

Flowsheet Results Table Window

Flowsheet Results Table Window

  1. Menu contains a menu with four sub menus.
    1. Import data from files or the clipboard.
    2. Export data to files or the clipboard.
    3. Edit or delete data.
    4. View options for the table.
  2. The Current Filter drop-down list enables the user to select a data filter, which can be used to filter and sort data.
  3. Edit Filters enables the user to create or edit data filters.

Error Codes

Error codes are listed in the Flowsheet Results table for the whole flowsheet and for individual nodes. Table Flowsheet Error Codes shows the flowsheet error codes and Table Node Error Codes shows the node error codes. The most common flowsheet error is 1, a node calculation failed. The most common node error is 7, Turbine simulation error. These errors are typically caused by a simulation that fails to converge or has some other calculation error (e.g., ACM does not converge or an Excel spreadsheet simulation with a division by 0 error).

Flowsheet Error Codes
Code Meaning
-1 Did not run or finish
0 Success
1 A simulation/node failed to solve
2 A simulation/node failed to solve while solving tears
3 Failed to create a worker node
5 Unknown tear solver
11 Wegstein failed, reached iteration limit
12 Direct failed, reached iteration limit
16 Presolve node error
17 Postsolve node error
19 Unhandled exception during evaluation (see log)
20 Flowsheet thread terminated
21 Missing session name
40 Error connecting to Turbine
50 Error loading session or inputs
100 Single node calculation success
201 Cycle in determining calculation order (invalid tear set)
Node Error Codes
Code Meaning
-1 Did not run or finish
0 Success
1 Simulation error (see log)
3 Exceeded maximum wait time
4 Failed to create Turbine session ID
5 Failed to add Turbine job
6 Exceeded maximum run time
7 Turbine simulation error
8 Failed to start Turbine job
10 Failed to get Turbine jobs status
11 Flowsheet thread terminated
20 Error in node script
23 Could not convert Numpy value to list
27 Cannot read variable result (see log)